Any trademarks (registered or otherwise) below belong to their respective holders. The Weekend of Man is neither affiliated with nor sponsored by any of the institutions listed below. None of the institutions below are responsible for the content of this information.

In other words, we think they are awesome but have no real relationship to them, or them to us. That's it.

The Official Beverage of Man

It is hereby declared that The Official Beverage of Man shall be none other than Rush River Brewing. By the (not so) simple act of brewing the most satisfying of beer enjoyed by the finest of Men, Rush River Brewing is certainly deserving of this honor.

The Weekend of Man Alumni Association encourages all to seek out and support places of business which welcome the sale of Rush River beer. The enjoyment of such a fine beverage by Men demonstrates the most discriminating of palates*, a cornerstone trait of The Weekend of Man Alumni.

Lipetzky's Law, a fundamental Brotocol (rule) of The Weekend of Man states that there are no bad beers. Some beers are just better than others. With an implied hierarchy of beers evident in Lipetzky's Law, The Weekend of Man Alumni would like to congratulate and thank Rush River Brewing for creating a product that stands at the top.

* A discriminating palate does not apply in all situations. For example, fishing and most other activities.

Rush River Brewing

The Official Outfitter of Man

Any Man with a fond memory of his childhood is capable of remembering certain moments of awe in their youth when visiting a toy store. Aisles and aisles of wonderous delights to tempt the imagination and intrigue of a Boy.

It is that unbridled enthusiasm that strikes a Man when entering Heimie's Haberdashery, the Official Outfitter of Man. The toys of a Man's youth are replaced with the toys of a Man's adulthood. The finest of suits, ties, hats, shoes and other fine clothing adorn any respectable Man in the finest of apparel. Further enhancing the moment are cigars, a full barber shop which will happily do anything including old fashioned straight-razor shaves, and a staff which The Weekend of Man Alumni Association has come to respect rounds out the experience as the only place qualified to be called The Official Outfitter of Man.

Heimie's Haberdashery

The Official Hardware of Man

The only way a Man can accomplish a task to the highest of levels is to be properly-equipped for their endeavor. A keen knowledge of the problem domain must be thoroughly understood in order to construct tools capable of application to complex problems such as those faced by The Weekend of Man Alumni.

It is with this knowledge of complex problems and the tools required to solve them that Totally Driven has been appointed as the Official Hardware of Man.

Golf, a complicated and often frustrating sport (or problem) can only be approached properly with correctly fitting equipment such that a Man can push himself to the farthest reaches of his ability with confidence. Despite mass manufacturing and retail of golf equipment, only a select few are capable of properly fitting and constructing equipment to the individual needs of each man to the tightest of tolerances.

Totally Driven has proven to be capable of fulfilling this difficult mission to the standards required by The Weekend of Man Alumni Association, and it is with pleasure that they are welcomed as The Official Hardware of Man.

Totally Driven

Weekend of Man Alumni

The Weekend of Man Six

August 2 - 5, 2012

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Copyright © 2012, The Weekend of Man