The Words of Men: Quotes from The Weekend of Man Past

Nope. Kent 45 The Six Shitter - Unsolicited opinion to further time at The Gladiator.

Hey you weren't kidding, this lake really is beautiful. Bruce-in-Law - Observing Lake Vermilion, voiding off the far side of the boat while fishing.

You look like an Old Spice commercial! Good Times Johnny - Commentary on the appearance of Scottish Rob in his boat.

He said you look like an Old Spice commercial! Unknown Marina Patron - The relayed response to Scottish Rob's inquiry of Good Times Johnny's declaration.

Hey Chuck, titties! Bruce-in-Law - Attempting to raise Dr. Chuck and Mr. Solheid.

Noooooooooooooo! Dr. Chuck and Mr. Solheid - In response to Bruce-in-Law.

It's really nice to sit around this fire with all you g...Man, I played golf like shit today. Bearded Jack - Interrupting himself.

Asswipes! Dr. Chuck and Mr. Solheid - Stating his opinion of observations made unto him by Man Alumni.

They named it Bitchfield! Brother Gene - Commentary on first-ring Minneapolis suburbs.

Do they check for outstanding warrants at the border? OH Billy - On a spontaneous plan to retrieve authentic maple syrup.

Should I piss on them? The Bobocracy - Observing hundreds of still butterflies, in the middle of Bearded Jack's backswing.

Four person is NOT four man. Good Times Johnny - Calculating the operating capacities of a hot tub, post occupancy.

How 'bout that tater tot cock sucker?! Kent 45 the Six Shitter - Incorrectly describing a good golf shot.

(unintelligible) Fellow McGregor Owner - Iron Range native's interpretation of Scottish Rob's conversation about a boat.

(unintelligible) Scottish Rob - Scottish Rob's interpretation of a native Iron Ranger's conversation about a boat.

TONIC! The Bobocracy - Calling for (and receiving) a drink from a beverage cart on a lake-front golf course while in a boat on said lake fishing.

I'm drunk and need a little pick-me-up. Good Times Johnny - Response to inquiry about a purchase of more beer.

OK guys, this is going to work and it's going to be hilarious! Still Undrafted Jeff - Plotting the hand-in-warm-water trick on The Bobocracy, standing adjacent to a still-awake Bobocracy.

I'm a man of moral ambiguity. I believe in something strongly, until I don't believe in it any more.The Wizard - Loop-holing future activities.

A twenty. Let me get you a few bucks in change. Arctic Barker - Negotiating the 3:00 am sale of goods to a naked man.

I'd rather eat 75 year old p***y than taste the Colonel's chicken. Unknown Paired Golfer - Dissertation of fast food while urinating into the wind onto himself.

It's not beer. It's whiskey. Good Times Johnny - Responding to Bearded Jack's concern of drinking malted beverages before 9:00 am.

It's definitely, probably... The Wizard - Casting a spell.

Cotton paper is what Tom would use for dinner invitations. Good Times Johnny - Commentary on the official parchment of Man.

Oh no. Master Baiter Jason and Kent 45 the Six Shitter (Simultaneous) - Response to a stranger's declaration of poor hearing when asking directions to the nearest vendor of alcohol.

It's like Vince Lombardi once said: Winning isn't the only thing, it's the only thing. Kent 45 the Six Shitter - Quoting legends.

One time I blew a tranny, during rush hour. Cinnamon! - Leaving us all to draw our own conclusions.

We walk into the Legion and it's 50 cent beers.................So ten dollars later... Kent 45 the Six Shitter - Narrating a story that illustrates when to leave a bar.

Weekend of Man Alumni

The Weekend of Man Six

August 2 - 5, 2012

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Copyright © 2012, The Weekend of Man